Download the ScoreCapture App today.
Check out the hazards and the distances to the front, middle and back of the green, using the GPS
Download the ScoreCapture App today.
Entering your scores has never been easier and all the calculations are done by the app
Download the ScoreCapture App today.
Improve your game by analysing your basic and short game stats
Download the ScoreCapture App today.
Run as many leaderboards as you want for any game you have created
Download the ScoreCapture App today.
Build up your golf career, with all your scorecards available anytime
Download the ScoreCapture App today.
Here you will find helpful videos and information to ensure that you get the most of our your ScoreCapture App.
ScoreCapturewas founded in 2013 and started out being a tournament management tool specifically designed to run any live scoring tournaments, being official or social. Through identifying the needs of the golfers, ScoreCapture has become a comprehensive digital solution for golf by developing various features and functions that reduce the time-consuming administration duties, eradicates common mistakes, increases efficiency, improves communications and significantly boosts the enjoyment of the game across the world.